Thursday, 24 November 2011

Stop smoking and start vaporizing with Vaporizers

The latest strategy of converting smokers into non smokers is here. And the strategy is to start using a Vaporizer instead of using your cigarettes to smoke. There are a million reasons why smoking is bad for you, and we are sure you are aware of the tons of problems that smoking actually causes. Let us compare smoking and Vaporizing in this article.

Disadvantages of smoking:

1.    It causes grave health problems such as cancer and respiratory problems. It can bring down your immune system and give you a multitude of other problems as well.
2.    Second hand smoke is very injurious to the by stander as well. There is simply no excuse to harm your own body, let alone the other person’s body standing near you. They can be even worse for babies and children.
3.    The smell of the cigarette or the cigar is actually very nauseating for many.
4.    The ashes that cigarettes produce can be difficult to clean up. 
5.    Smoking can be a very harmful part of the air pollution package when it comes to harming the environment. Soon it can be so bad that the effects that air pollution has on mother earth will actually be irreversible. There are so many others that one can say, but to keep things brief we will stop with the main disadvantages here.

Disadvantages of Vaporizers:

1.    NIL

Advantages of smoking:

1.    NIL

Advantages of Vaporizers:

1.    One can say that this is the best boon that a smoker can actually get. Vaporizers are a device that can be used by smokers to cut down and to cut out smoking from their systems. This is why they happen to be such a healthy alternative. A Vaporizer allows you to continue to vaporizer and yet lead a healthy life.
2.    You can find a Vaporizer with ease today on the internet; there are plenty of websites that will give you a good idea on which Vaporizer to purchase and which not to. Whatever doubts you might have about Vaporizers you can get them clarified on the internet.
3.    When you purchase a Vaporizer you get it with an instructional manual. This makes understand how the Vaporizer works easy and simple.
4.    You get to save a lot with Vaporizers today, as what you spend on herbs is much less than what you would spend on cigarettes today. This means that when you compare you realize that you are actually saving so much more.
5.    Vaporizers can also be used in aromatherapy to relieve cough, cold, etc.


  1. Hey,
    Offcourse this is very true that one should quit smoking and start using vaporizers or the same in order to lead a healthy and long life as vaping cigarettes is very harmful for health as vaporizers are not actually heating the ingredients and simply heating it.

  2. It is very wise decision to switch to vaporizers then smoking by traditional cigs..It is better and safe alternative to smoking then it..

  3. Vaping by aid of vaporizers are much safer option rather than smoking, as it heats the ingredients in it and don't burn them making it safe to use.
